Volunteer Screening Checklist

Regardless of how your organization recruits volunteers (word of mouth, via your company website or enrolment programs), it is imperative that you establish a stringent screening process. This effective risk management tool will lend a hand in preventing any unnecessary harm. Furthermore, screening volunteers will allow your organization to select the best person for the position.

We have created a Screening Checklist to help you customize a checklist for your organization.  In order to be truly effective, the checklist will need to be tailored to your business needs.  A check list should look at, there are four types of risks that an individual can pose to the organization, the staff and the community. Those risks are: Physical Harm, Emotional Harm, Theft or Damage to Property and Violations of Privacy. 

The screening process established by the organization should identify those risks and eliminate individuals who pose them.

Enhance your screening process today by creating your customized screening checklist, simply complete the form and we’ll send you the checklist.